We hope everyone is having a lovely festive season and had a lovely Christmas and New Year. We are back in the thick of it moving office to a bigger and better space. I've been excited about it since we found out about the new place but right now I'm in the thick of allen keying stuff undone and wishing I had million large boxes to fill everything up. Shifting it HARD work and we don't even have an oven to clean.
We have been a bit slacko with the old blogging with November and December being filled with so many markets and the usual business that the silly season brings. I was hanging out for Christmas Eve and spending some time with the family and relaxing and boy did I do that. I don't think I've felt as content with just sitting as I have the last few days. But that will not last for long, the markets start back up tomorrow night with the Suzuki Night Market and our new office will need sorting, a job I'm kind of looking forward to because for once in Able and Game's life we will have a bit of room to move and maybe even a table that is just used for packing orders and another for cutting paper.
We will have to play catch up on the blog because lots of things have happened, but right now it is one job at a time, at least until the cool change comes!
The picture at the top was taken flying into Melbourne a few weeks ago just as the sun was setting. I couldn't help getting out the camera as the light was so perfect.