Having travelled earlier in the year I've spent the remainder of the year realising how amazing Melbourne is. It has so much support for all things creative and I think that is an important thing. At this time of year there are all sorts of fun and interesting things going on and Melbournalia is one of them. Kate from Elly Oak and I attended the opening briefly before we nicked off for our Illustrator Course (only one drink consumed!) and as I stood in the crowded room I thought about how people often talk about great ideas, but when they happen it is pretty amazing. You know a lot of work went on behind the scene to make it happen, yet it seems so effortless.

Melbournia Home is an amazing space, down a lane way, around a corner and up some old wooden stairs. It is the space that you wish you had as an art studio in those little daydreams you have when you're knee deep in mess in your own small space. They have a great range of Melbourne products and no matter how many times you see an Ink and Spindle quilt and Emily Green necklace or an Otto and Spike blanket you're still amazed every time.

There is not one but four locations opening throughout November and December in the Melbourne CBD including the Melbournalia Home, Captains, Parlour and League. So if you want a bit of an alternative to the usual shopping experience then pop along to one of the locations. They also have a postal service if you have friends and relatives overseas.