A few weeks ago we took part in a market stall at the second bout for the Victorian Roller Derby League. I went along with my family to a bout over a year ago and decided that Dead Ringer Rosies were my team as they had a player called Skate Bush. Turns out Skate Bush is a pretty amazing jammer so I think I picked the right team.
I have to admit to doing a stall holder naughty and leaving my stall to watch some of the bout, but it was worth it. I'm not sure how big the crowd was, but the noise from all the cheering was really loud, I think my ears hurt more than it did at the Anzac day match almost a month back and there was about 88000 more people at the MCG. Although I do like going to watch AFL matches I do find some of the AFL culture isn't my cup of tea, however rollerderby is. The people are super lovely and it seems really supportive and friendly.
If you have not been and think you want to go, the next bout is Saturday 4th of June. You can get tickets at Moshtix and it is located at the Melbourne Show Grounds. We will also be there selling cards and doing a double whammy market day, firstly at Sisters Market in Brunswick from 10am - 4pm, then hotfooting it over to Ascot Vale for the Derby from 4.30pm - 9.30pm. Hopefully we see you there!
Here are my tips on how to make it a fun night.
1. I'm guessing in a few weeks it will be even more chilly than now, so take warm clothing, or a blankie. They have seats around the track or you can sit up close to the action on the ground. If you want to sit on the ground take a cushion as the concrete will hurt your botty.
2. Maybe have a read up on how the derby goes down beforehand so you're not confused on the night. They give a demo at the start but if you're a bit late you might miss it. Also make sure you get a programme (gold coin donation) as it has pics of all the players and some info on how the bouts work.
3. Bring a few friends, although I am sure if you go on your own you would still have a good time or even meet some ace people. In fact if you're alone come say hi to me and we can have a chat.
4. If Jerry's Vegiburgers has a stand get the vego tofu noodle salad thing shown below because it is super yum. They also have a big deep fried food van selling yellow corned dogs and the like, but they are a bit scary. Get the noodle salad. Best $10 you will spend on food in a while.

5. Get some drink into you! They sell Carlton Draught cans which my brother is modelling in this photo below (MEGAHAND!). He had a few and left his phone at my stall while he went to buy food from the deep fried van. BIG MISTAKE! I updated his facebook status with "I'm having fun, Carlton Draught told me I could" which may have been one of the highlights of my night as I was not partaking in the Carlton Canz due to driving home later.

6. Get your celeb spotting glasses on because there is always someone kinda famous there. Sure they might be on an ad for insurance but that doesn't stop people getting all excited and yelling out his name.