In August we had our trade fair Life Instyle in Melbourne at the Carlton Exhibition Buildings. This is our chance to meet up with new and existing stockists and for them to look at our product range, place orders and things like that.

Gareth rocking the hi vis and hammer look.
Only a few weeks later I found myself over in the UK doing the Autumn Fair International in Birmingham. It all came together really quickly and was an exciting week. We now have our cards stocked in a few shops in the UK and hope to see that grow over the next few years.

By Tuesday the wallpaper had had enough and decided to collapse.
This was an interesting morning!
A week after getting back from the UK I was off again on a much earlier planned trip to South East Asia with my Mum and Sister. We had a total wow of a time and I can thoroughly recommend grown up family travelling. I am not sure Mum would describe it as grown up as we may have behaved like teenage girls at various points on the trip.

Temples and trees!
Now I am back in Australia and have been working hard to get our Christmas range ready. We have our 2014 calendars in stock and have been busy designing Christmas cards as well as other gift ware. Bring on the silly season!!!