Greeting card writers block is real and often comes when you're rushing to write something out. You want to write something meaningful, but often the things that come to us are cliche and boring. We've created these four easy ideas to write a fun and meaningful greeting card for your loved up friends celebrating their wedding day.
1. What moment you're most looking forward to seeing at the wedding.
2. A fun anecdote about the couple.
3. A future goal for the couple.
4. Random and somewhat obscure relationship advice.
Dear Leslie and Andy,
We are so excited to witness you get married today. We both can’t wait to see the look on Leslie’s face when Andy walks in and we are itching to cut some moves on the dance floor.
We love to remember that time we went camping and your tent bust open during the night and you woke in a poly vinyl chloride mud soup, you both seemed so unfazed by what, on all accounts, looked like a frightfully uncomfortable situation. I guess hiking with wet clothes is not that bad when it’s with your love.
We can’t wait to witness the life you both continue to build together and we hope you’re the type of couple to wear matching trackies in your retirement years.
A New Idea magazine from the late ‘90s once told me that love can last forever if you never meet on the set of an Australian soap, so here’s to your love lasting forever.
Best Wishes,
Your friends who gave you the Able And Game card.
Looking for the perfect wedding card? We have a range of over 20 cards available on our online Able And Game store.
We have cards to suit all sorts of couples celebrating their big day. Our range of greeting cards are bright, fun and modern, with a strong emphasis on the guest experience at the wedding.
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Hi, I'm Anna and I design greeting cards here at Able And Game.
Thanks for reading our blog post 4 ideas to write something meaningful inside a wedding card, we hope it helped inspire you when you write inside your next wedding card.
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