So Christmas has come and gone and we are now hanging out in a brand new year. We are back to work after a break that saw me leave the office on Christmas Eve and not step foot in the office until a couple of days ago (Gareth however was very good sending off Etsy orders on the 27th). It was nice to spend a few days pottering around our very neglected house, cleaning and sorting and starting fresh and organised for the year ahead.
It is also exciting to start the year not having to shift office (and house) as per the last two years. Today is the one year anniversary in this space and we are celebrating by keeping cool and wishing for air conditioning. We are also looking forward to planning the year ahead for Able and Game, starting with Valentine's Day and celebrating 4 years of Able and Game. We've made no New Year's Resolutions, unless you count Gareth's sense of humour here, but look forward to what 2013 brings us.