Mozi was just over from us and their new Spring Summer collection is amazing. It hasn't been released online yet (so no pics) but if you need a Mozi fix they have a 50% off sale on previous collections.

Bonnie and Neil were on the Design Files recently (December last year is recently in my mind....?) and I thought their story sounded a little like ours. They live in Brunswick, the run a business together and Neil comes from Scotland. Bonnie and Neil are both super lovely and make amazing home wares. That cocky cushion is pretty much ticking all my boxes.

Nicole from Hot Toffee was next door and I've seen her bright glass jewellery around for a while at various markets. The colours are amazing, loads of bright primary colours and beautiful in between shades. I got a pair of these turquoise studs and I don't even have my ears pierced.

If you're getting married or going to the races this year then you need to get over to Julie Fleming's website. She makes stunning headpieces, offers millinery classes and has a shop in Hawksburn. This blue headband also came in a magenta and bright yellow.

Alex from Rubiteva was my neighbour on the other side of our stand and she designed colourful jewellery. The Green Kimono necklace above is one example of the pops of colour that work well, especially when you find yourself wearing the all black Melbourne uniform.