I don't know what the temp was but I think it was around 35 degrees, so I made sure I was prepared for some sitting around in the sun by eating lots of food, drinking lots of water and getting drenched in sunscreen. Having skin that would make Antarctica look tanned I burn in about 10 minutes so the old SPF 30+ is mandatory. I do always end up missing spots and find those odd little patches of burnt skin both funny and annoying.

Speaking of tennis, we have had this card for a few years and it is still a favourite. I like the big hair and have to admit I was sad I didn't get to see the Williams sisters and check out what fashions they had this year. I hope it was an early '80s retro theme with big hair, that would be amazing!
If you're in Melbourne get along to the tennis, it is loads of fun. As I said to my friend yesterday, sitting in the sun drinking beer, does life get any better than this?