We will be at Melbourne Design Market on Sunday looking car park chic and selling cards. Come along and say hello, or wave as you travel by in the sea of people.

The first Camberwell Art Show is also on this weekend at Camberwell Girls Grammar Junior School. They have a whole bunch of talented artists including David Bromley, Lisa Madigan and Michael Jenkins. They also have a gift shop with about 13 different designers, including us.
They have a Friday night launch (call 9813 1166 for tickets) with drinks and food and it runs on Saturday and Sunday as well. Maybe you could get up early, go to Camby Market, then onto the artshow?
If you need somewhere to go for lunch in Camberwell we went to Collective Expresso just across from Camberwell Station on Monday with Kirsteene. The food was lovely and apparently the coffee is good as well.
Also Design Made Trade is on this weekend with a whole bunch of talent showing off their work, so no excuse to sit at home when there is so much on!