I had lovely neighbours next to me, Jarren from Temono, Jen from Jen Hall Designs and Belle from Brkich and as a bit of a coincidence it turns out Belle and I went to the same small high school and had the same art teacher. What are the chances?
It was great chatting to the customers and arrived home late last night and Gareth and I sat and spoke about all the people we had seen and spoken to at the market stalls over the weekend. I think the lady who told me she loves the blog made my day (so if you're reading this - thank you!). I was also happy to see a positive reaction to the Queensland Rail cards and the Goodna card ended up selling out on Sunday even though I made sure I had loads of stock on hand.
Below are some photos of the stall including the new tea towels.

I thought I'd put this extra cute photo in, I was passing by Nook on Browning Street West End and little Pedro the shop cat was out and said hello by doing this tricky yoga move in the sun. He was so happy and smirry* so I did what all cat obsessed people without an actual cat of their own do and took some photos.

*this is a word I use to describe when a cat gets all affectionate and cute. I looked it up thinking it was a real word and realised it wasn't.