We have finally put our tea towels online to purchase, mainly because I wanted to get decent photographs and I put it off for a couple of days, weeks actually more like months! But the months feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days at the moment. With a little event like Christmas coming up we thought we better get organised. We have two designs, the I'd Go To Zone Two For You and the You're All Sorts of Lovely. We will have them at our markets this weekend, Finders Keepers in Sydney on Friday and Saturday, Melbourne Design Market on Sunday and old faithful, Rose Street on both Saturday and Sunday. We are going to refer to it as the monster weekend.

PS The Roller Derby on Saturday was so much fun. Although we didn't get to see much of the action it was pretty special. The Victorian Roller Derby League organisers were so lovely, not only did they help unpack the car, they also gave us a goody bag of water, muesli bars and lolly pops. I saw this photo on Facebook and wanted to share it, so amazing!